It’s not news that many of us are anxious, tired, disillusioned, feeling powerless over our schedules, disconnected from any sense of vision or purpose and spiritually drained. And the grief. So much grief.
Jen wants to coach people who are introspective and who desire to grow into a new way of thinking about their place in the world.

As a coach, Jen provides a confidential listening-ear, a witness to your grief, partnership in change and encouragement as together, you find hope for your journey.

Education and Areas of Interest:

  • PCC trained  and ACC certified with the International Coaching Federation
  • Certified Grief and End-of-Life Coach
  • Focused on Self-Care and Well-Being
  • Focused on Work/Life Balance
  • Focused on Transitions
  • Trained in Team Coaching
Jen would love to partner with you in the coaching process, providing deep listening as you move toward where you need to go and toward who you are meant to be. The coaching practice helps us each cultivate our innate creativity, strength and resourcefulness. The goal is growth, as we work to live full lives filled with hope and energy.

To Learn More About Grief and Life Coaching, 

Schedule a Free 15 Minute Introductory Call